Acharya App(Android & IOS)

Learn/Listen to
Slokas/Thousands of Discourses/500+ Short Speeches/Learning Sessions/Bhajans/Songs/Books, while in commute, or at home. You are always a ‘click ‘ away from divine spiritual world.

Prayer is the panacea of all the good, it enriches the inner divine qualities and elevates them to higher altitudes and makes man more perfect in all his endeavors. It removes inner problems like strain, stress, ego and so on.

Search bar makes it easy to search for any discourse, button, or anything. Full-screen and landscape mode availability for slokas. A lot more features available.
Download any files to stream offline so you can access basically anything on this app anywhere!

What does offline and downloaded mean?
Downloaded means that on the device you downloaded the file you can play it offline if you go to the same area.
I want to volunteer for this app
Good thought already! Serving the society and helping mankind, you can volunteer right here – https://acharyaapp.org/volunteer/
What platforms is this app available on?
The IOS store and Play store, click here to download now.
I spotted some inaccuracies or issues in the app, where can I send them?
Send them here – https://acharyaapp.org/create-support-ticket/
We have almost all English sloka texts and Telugu. We added more slokas like the Goda Chathusloki, Sandhyavandhanam, and etc. We added the latest discourses like the Dhanurmasa Tiruppavai Discourses that aired recently, and the Bhagavad Vishayam discourses, and at least 20+ more discourses! The learning sessions we added are Bhagavad Gita, Panchayudha Stothram, Ramanuja Nootrandadi, Stothra Ratnam, Tiruppavai Sloka by Sloka, Tiruppavai Santhai Style, and the Vishnu Sahasranamam. Bhajans were also added like Hari Bol Hari Bol…., Govinda Hare: Gopaala Hare:, Adiesesha Anantasayana, and more, mostly all with scripts. At least 70+ short speeches were added, they are good for car rides. Another highlight that was added was Ahobila Jeeyar Short Speeches, with at Least 200+ Short Speeches! We added interviews that are available in video and audio. We added a new calendar for 2018. We added Discover Ramanuja Discourses with Captions. We added more songs and etc. We added tons of videos to this app and this could really help you on the spiritual journey of life and guide you. This app is loaded with knowledge, videos to watch, and more with the capability of using it all OFFLINE.

Our Design & Development Process
We work with the top-notch Vedic scholars around the world for slokas, books, songs, and more. Chinnajeeyar Swamiji’s discourses, short speeches, and more is on the app.

Strategy & Roadmap.
500+ JET books available on the Acharya App. Daily quote notifications, filled slokas with perfection, bhakthinivedana magazines, and a lot more!

Visual & UX Design
The app has a appealing discourse structure with title, thumbnail, trackplayer, and more. The design looks really nice on the home and more screen with professionally created icons for each button.

We have the top-notch volunteers for JET working on this app and are looking for new members to volunteer to fix issues faster!

Launch & Monitor
We have a group of testers who regularly check the app for bugs and help move the app forward!

Acharya App
Life Guide/Spiritual
Unparalleled guide to Hinduism with so much content. 500+ short speeches, thousands of discourses, many songs/bhajans, and a lot more all in one.
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